Sunday, October 19, 2008

I am not a violent man...

I don't consider myself to be an angry person. On the contrary, people tell me that i am too happy. Apparently it is not average to be happy day after day. Something needs to be wrong. Am I human...I like to think so. But one thing that really gets under my skin is when the Cowboys are sucking like they are RIGHT NOW!!!

Nah, I'm not that big into football.

Anyway, yesterday(SAt.) I got to wake up super duper early to drive to the college cuz of a walk marathon my work was sponsoring. Why I signed up for this.....I don't really know. I think I just didn't want to feel like a jerk by saying "no" when everybody was going. Then there was that part of me that said who gives a flip, I'm sleeping in yo!! No one says that though.

It's funny how we see the obvious but know that we just don't really say what we feel. Nobody really wanted to go to this thing. Everybody wanted to stay home sleeping, being lazy. That's what some of us do best. On the other hand, there are the few, the proud, the athletic who did want to go to this thing. They love exercising and being fit. Well so does everyone else but they are the ones who actually do it. So I went and ran around the college at 7:30 in the morning and in the end of it all, I got my feeling of satisfaction cuz I know I did something good for me and my friends at work. So as I sat there at the gazebo covered in sweat, out of breath and pain running through my ankles......I thought,"Oh yeah, now I can go home and go back to sleep." And so I did.

Sunday today. Small ounces of pain still in my feet. But I am stoked about playin ball today. What ball? Whose ball? Which ball? There are so many balls. My friend the only ball really worth playing, and probably one of the greatest games ever played...BASEBALL!

Your prescription for today: Do things that are good for you even if you really don't feel like it and get yourself outside and play baseball!!

Dr. Hippo clocking out...


Adriana said...

I think if I had someone to play baseball with I might play.

But then I think... NAH.

AmErika said...

what the fluffy pancakes!~
Alex has a blog?! wow.

Anyways...I watched that game on sunday too. I have no idea why, bc I don't even understand football. haha. but I knew enough to say that they totally sucked. 14 to 34. wowzer.

btw, Alyx, I miss you.

& I tried last night to be one of those people that exercises. I've made my decision...I'm just not one of them. Bummer.